Opinion For GME Holders

Human Being
4 min readJan 30, 2021

Next week, & maybe the week after, you will see more unprecedented events. Examples may include similar below, but not limited to:

Ted Cruz & AOC, Biden in a presidential address, the EBS in a text to your phone, etc will do joint statement & media ads & mass dissemination of things like All retail traders & retail brokers of GME between [dates] will be investigated by FBI/SEC/FINRA/IRS/special commission/special prosecutor/whatever/etc. This is the legal scare tactic.

Wired & wireless ISPs & power companies will have inexplicable & unexplained outages or intermittent service in heavily populated areas, timing coincidentally at or near GME dips. This is the castle scare tactic.

GameStop itself, or an entity on behalf of, will make statement about bankruptcy/change of leadership/change to private non-traded company/all stores seized as evidence as part of ongoing investigation/whatever/etc. This is the illusion scare tactic.

Well funded & highly skilled & social engineering competent cyber hackers will make Papa Elon & other beloved billionaires, all tweet something at same time, that tries to make you quickly sell or not care about your GME, saying things like GOOD DOGGY, GAME STINKS, I miss going to theaters/flip phones/whatever/etc. It will try to either distract you by having you directly chase & watch another banana instead, or get you hyped & frenzied to sell right before the squeeze can happen, as a last resort. They will try to out-meme you, at just the right time for them. This is the meme misdirection tactic & has 2nd greatest chance of success, if they actually have all the skills todo it, given most GME holders are sensitive to memes.

Social media platforms will disable/limit/timeout/moderate/delay Papa Elon & other beloved billionaire accts/posts/tweets in name of national security/free market stability/vague risk-based legal reasons/community standards/whatever/etc. This is the silence scare tactic.

Well funded actors with an interest in USA instability, & by extension others globally, will do scare tactics of ads on social media, & woefully negative fake news articles, shown to middle class users, saying things against retail GME holders, like Your 401k/savings/house/pension/retirement/job/whatever/etc will suddently & immediately drop to 0 value overnight in your sleep, or in 1 second while having lunch during weekday. Also throw in enough other scary groups to lump them in with, depending whatever will work specifically on that ad viewer/article reader: antifa/blm/alt-right/alt-left/non-patriots/un-americans/white-supremacist/whatever/liberal/conservative/etc. This in turn will lead to family/friends/coworkers/managers/girlfriend boyfriend uncle dad/whoever/etc telling you, in all forms of direct hostility/passive aggression/guilting/shaming/death threats/whatever they know already has worked specifically on you in the past … to try to make you stop whatever the fuck you are doing or not doing. They will not seek to understand or care about your position in the matter, they are scared to death about their perceived situation & will use unexpected intimidation tactics you may have never seen from them. This is the personal scare tactic, & absolute last resort if all of the above don’t work on you. BUT it has the greatest chance of success, & yet also is the hardest to pull off, since multiple ppl have to be convinced of going after ppl they love, in a very short time period, for reasons they don’t fully understand, fueled by emotions lasting long enough & strong enough to manipulatively make you sell.
Examples of this last thing above since it may not be crystal clear:
This is not mom & dad telling you now Don't throw your life away for some meme. This is dad saying If you don't sell I will beat you like I did that 1 time when you were 9, & mom saying I will disown you if you don't sell & you know I told you I thought about it when you were 12. & You knowing exactly what they are referring to & it doesn't feel like they are bluffing this time. Or it’s your boss saying I don’t know how we will make it if the stock market crashes, we will need to layoff ppl during pandemic, hopefully not, but it would be nice if those ppl would just sell already, If I need to layoff someone I wont pick anyone, just whoever started last/paid most/last name starts with yours/whatever/etc. You will feel like indirectly they refer to you specifically. Or it’s your wife saying she will divorce & take the house/kids/pets never to be seen again, if you don’t sell. Or it’s your husband threatening revenge porn posted publicly if you don't sell.
& whatever other crazy social situation that you can think of, & even worse, as these are just the verbal threats.

This may have started out as a meme & a game for many, but it will not end as 1 for you, not even close. So be serious while you be silly about it.

I also want to make clear I don’t know if any of the above will or won’t happen, will be patently false or completely true, will be guaranteed to happen or is pure speculation, will be mere threats or actions, or will be imaginary or real. I don’t know anything about any of that, express or implied. I am not a financial advisor. These are just my opinions.

Power to You. Power to the Players.

